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Sludge laboratory

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Registration required!

Micropaleontological laboratory - paleontological preparation

The systematic classification of small fossil organisms is made considerably easier by a three-dimensional approach. For this it is necessary to free the microfossil from the mineral compound of the sediment. This can be done through various work steps. After the samples have been mechanically crushed, we can uncover fossils in the sludge laboratory with water or chemical treatment (e.g. hydrogen peroxide). When the samples have been broken down into their mineral components, they are slurried in sieves with different mesh sizes (1mm - 64 µm) under running water.

After the slurry process, the individual samples are dried in a drying cabinet (usually at 40°C). Then further palaeontological processing, such as taxonomy, isotope chemistry and documentation, can take place.

The laboratory serves purely for research and teaching purposes and is used by students, doctoral candidates and scientific staff in paleontology to carry out their research.

Any stays and activities require prior instruction (on record).
Without this requirement, staying and working in the laboratory is prohibited!


  • 4 blowdown devices with sludge collecting basins
  • Sieves with different mesh sizes
    Fume hood
  • Heat drying cabinet with timer
  • Ultrasonic unit
  • Small trays
  • Large trays
  • Storage rack for air drying