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Molasse & North Alpine Foreland Basin

Geology and Stratigraphy of the Molasse Basin – A short Introduction

Text & Layout: Bettina Reichenbacher

The Molasse Basin is also termed North Alpine Foreland Basin. It developed in the late Eocene/early Oligocene, when the Tethys (Penninic Ocean) was closed. The collision of the Adriatic Plate with the European Plate resulted in the transportation of the Alpine nappes to the North. The load of the nappes on the southern edge of the European Plate led to its sinking, called ‚subsidence’ in the geological nomenclature. This subsidence led to the formation of a huge depression, which is the North Alpine Foreland Basin or Molasse Basin.

The Molasse basin is approximately 800 km long and extends from France to Lake Geneva through parts of Switzerland to Southern Germany and Austria (until Vienna) (Fig. 1). Note that the Molasse Basin extended during the Oligocene and earliest Miocene 30–50 km further to the South than seen today (Fig. 2).

 Molasse Basin igme5000

Fig. 1: Geological overview of the Molasse Basin. To the NW, the South German part of the Molasse Basin is bordered by the Swabian and Franconian Alb (with the Ries Impact crater in-between), and to the NE by the Bohemian Massif. Modified from Asch, K. (2005). The 1:5.000.000 International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent areas (IGME 5000). Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover.

Today the Molasse Basin represents a large asymmetrical syncline (see Fig. 2). Its North wing (with the Foreland Molasse) is large and weakly dipping to the South. Its South wing is short and steeply dipping to the North (Inclined Foreland Molasse) or folded (Folded Molasse). Accordingly, the Molasse sediments can be subdivided in:

  • Foreland Molasse (autochthonous, almost horizontally bedded)
  • Inclined Foreland Molasse (autochthonous, steep bedding)
  • Folded Molasse or Subalpine Molasse (allochthonous, folded)



Fig. 2: Geological profile through the Molasse Basin, 10x vertical exaggerated. Modified from Glaser, Doppler & Schwerd (Eds.) (2004): GeoBavaria 600 Millionen Jahre Bayern. München, Bayerisches Geologisches Landesamt. 

Molasse lithostratigraphy

Generally, two mega-cycles can be recognised, each starting with a transgression and ending with a regression.

Sediments that were deposited under marine conditions are referred to as ‘Marine Molasse’ (Meeresmolasse). Depending on the stratigraphic age, these deposits are termed Lower Marine Molasse (UMM, because in German it is "Untere Meeresmolasse"), and Upper Marine Molasse (OMM, "Obere Meeresmolasse") (Fig. 2).

The ‘Brackish Molasse’ documents sedimentation in a brackish sea. Depending on the stratigraphic age, the sediments are named Lower Brackish Molasse (UBM, "Untere Brackwassermolasse") and Upper Brackish Molasse (OBM, "Obere Brackwassermolasse" or SBM, "Süßbrackwassermolasse") (Fig. 2).

Sediments that were deposited in rivers, flood-plains, lakes and ponds are referred to as ‘Freshwater Molasse’. These deposits are subdivided into Lower Freshwater Molasse (USM) and Upper Freshwater Molasse (OSM) (Fig. 2).

Outcrops are mainly restricted to the northern and southern margin of the Molasse Basin. In the central part of the Molasse Basin, the sediments of the Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods overly the Molasse sediments and exposures are mostly restricted to deeply incised valleys of rivers or creeks.

Further reading:

  • Bachmann, G.H., Müller, M. (1992). Sedimentary and structural evolution of the German Molasse Basin. – Eclogae Geologica Helvetiae 85, 519–530.
  • Janssen, R., Doppler, G., Grimm, K., Grimm, M., Haas, U., Hiss, M., Köthe, A., Radtke, G., Reichenbacher, B., Salamon, M., Standke, G., Teipel, U., Thomas, M., Uffenorde, H., Wieland-Schuster, U. & Subkommission Tertiär-Stratigraphie (2018). The Tertiary in the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2016 (STG 2016). – Zeitschrift Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 169(2): 267–294.
  • Kuhlemann, J., Kempf, O. (2002). Post-Eocene evolution of the North Alpine Foreland Basin and its response to Alpine tectonics. – Sediment Geol 152, 45–78.

Molasse Group at the Department for Earth and Environmental Sciences, Palaeontology & Geobiology, LMU

  • Prof. Dr. Bettina Reichenbacher
  • Juan David Andrade (Master student)
  • Beatriz Hadler Boggiani (Master student)
  • Rohit Soman (Master student)
  • Dr. Martina Pippèrr (Foraminifers, guest researcher)
  • Dr. Jérome Prieto (small mammals, guest researcher)

Topics and research question

  • Dating of the Upper Marine Molasse and Upper Brackish Molasse
  • Correlation between Molasse sediments and Global Time Scale
  • Rekonstruction of palaeoenvironments: climate, salinity, bathymetry, water temperatures
  • Impact of global climate and Alpine tectonics on the sedimentation in the Molasse Basin

Our publications (sorted chronologically)

 For pdfs please send e-mail to:

  • Brinkmann, I., Pippèrr, M., Reichenbacher, B. (2019, in press) A new well-preserved ostracod fauna from the middle Burdigalian (lower Miocene) of the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Geobios.
  • Janssen, R., Doppler, G., Grimm, K., Grimm, M., Haas, U., Hiss, M., Köthe, A., Radtke, G., Reichenbacher, B., Salamon, M., Standke, G., Teipel, U., Thomas, M., Uffenorde, H., Wieland-Schuster, U. & Subkommission Tertiär-Stratigraphie (2018). Das Tertiär in der Stratigraphischen Tabelle von Deutschland 2016. [The Tertiary in the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2016 (STG 2016).] Zeitschrift Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 169(2): 267–294.
  • Pippèrr, M. & Reichenbacher, B., Kirscher, U., Sant, K. & Hanebeck, H. (2018). The middle Burdigalian in the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Bavaria, SE Germany) – a lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic re-evaluation. Newsletter Stratigraphy, 51(3): 285–309.
  • Hofmann, F., Reichenbacher, B., Farley, K.A. (2017). Evidence for >5 Ma paleo-exposure of an Eocene-Miocene paleosol of the Bohnerz Formation, Switzerland. – Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 465: 168–175.
  • Pippèrr, M. & Reichenbacher, B. (2017). Late Early Miocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the North Alpine Foreland Basin. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 468: 485–502.
  • Sant, K., Kirscher, U., Reichenbacher, B., Pippèrr, M., Jung, D., Doppler, G., Krijgsman, W. (2017). Late Burdigalian sea retreat from the North Alpine Foreland Basin: new magnetostratigraphic age constraints. – Global and Planetary Change, 152: 38–50.
  • Pippèrr, M., Reichenbacher, B., Doppler, G., Hagmaier, M. & Jung, D. (2016): The northern coast of the Ottnangian (middle Burdigalian, early Miocene) Molasse Sea in Germany: sediments, foraminiferal assemblages and biostratigraphy. – International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105: 1055–1085
  • Salvador, R.B., Pippèrr, M., Reichenbacher, B., Rasser, M.W. (2016). Early Miocene continental gastropods from new localities of the Molasse Basin in southern Germany. – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 90(3): 469-491.
  • Jost, J., Kälin, D., Börner, S., Vasilyan, D., Lawver, D., Reichenbacher, B. (2015). Vertebrate microfossils from the Upper Freshwater Molasse in the Swiss Molasse Basin: Implications for the evolution of the North Alpine Foreland Basin during the Miocene Climate Optimum. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 426: 22–33.
  • Pirkenseer, C., Berger, J.-P., Reichenbacher, B. (2013). The position of the Rupelian/Chattian boundary in the southern Upper Rhine Graben based on new records of microfossils – Swiss Journal of Geosciences 106: 291–301.
  • Reichenbacher, B., Krijgsman, W., Lataster, Y., Pippèrr, M., van Baak, C.G.C., Chang, L., Kälin, D., Jost, J., Doppler, G., Jung, D., Prieto, J., Abdul Aziz, H., Böhme, M., Garnish, J., Kirscher, U., Bachtadse, V. (2013): An alternative magnetostratigraphic framework for the Lower Miocene (Burdigalian / Ottnangian, Karpatian) in the North Alpine Foreland Basin. – Swiss Journal of Geosciences 106: 309–334.
  • Pippèrr, M. (2011): Characterisation of Ottnangian palaeoenvironments in the North Alpine Foreland Basin using benthic foraminifera - a review on the Upper Marine Molasse of Southern Germany. – Marine Micropaleontology 79: 80-99.
  • Schneider, S., Pippèrr, M., Frieling, D. & Reichenbacher, B. (2011). Sedimentary facies and paleontology of the Ottnangian Upper Marine Molasse and Upper Brackish Water Molasse of eastern Bavaria: A field trip guide. In: Carena, S., Friedrich, A.M. & Lammerer, B. (Eds.): Geological Field Trips in Central Western Europe: Fragile Earth International Conference, Munich, September 2011: Geological Society of America, Field Guide 22, p. 35–50.
  • Pippèrr, M. & Reichenbacher, B. (2010). Foraminifera from the borehole Altdorf (SE Germany): proxies for Ottnangian (Early Miocene) palaeoenvironments of the Central Paratethys. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 289: 62-80.
  • Heckeberg, N., Pippèrr, M., Läuchli, B., Heimann, F. & Reichenbacher, B. (2010). The Upper Marine Molasse (Burdigalian, Ottnangian) in southwestern Germany – facies interpretation and a new lithostratigraphic terminology. – Zeitschrift deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 161: 285-302.
  • Frieling, D., Pippèrr, M., Schneider, S. & Reichenbacher, B. (2009): Sedimentology and stratigraphy at the rocky coast of the upper Burdigalian Molasse Sea: a case study from Gurlarn near Passau (SE Germany). – Facies, 55:47–62.
  • Frieling, D., Mazumder, R. & Reichenbacher, B. (2009): Tidal sediments in the Upper Marine Molasse (OMM) of the Allgäu area (Lower Miocene, Southwest-Germany). - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 254: 151-163.
  • Heimann, F. U. M., Schmid, D. U., Pippèrr, M. & Reichenbacher, B. (2009): Re-interpreting the Baltringer Horizont as a subtidal channel facies: Implications for a new understanding of the Upper Marine Molasse "Cycles" (Early Miocene). - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 254: 135-149.
  • Pippèrr, M. & Reichenbacher, B. (2009): Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of benthic foraminifera from the Eggenburgian "Ortenburger Meeressande" of southeastern Germany (Early Miocene, Paratethys). - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 254: 41-61.
  • Weidmann, M., Berger, Engesser, B., Reichenbacher, B., Sauvagnat, J. & Schäfer, P. (2008): La Molasse de la Vallée de Joux (Jura, Suisse et France). [The Joux Valley molasse (Jura, Switzerland and France)]- Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 91/1: 69-101.
  • Pippèrr, M., Reichenbacher, B., Witt, W., Rocholl, A. (2007): The Middle and Upper Ottnangian of the Simssee area (SE Germany): Micropalaeontology, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy. - Neues Jahrbuch Geologie Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 245: 353-378.
  • Reichenbacher, B., Böhme, M. & Lang, L. (2007): Fossilien aus der Oberen Süßwassermolasse bei Ried (Kreis Neuburg an der Donau). – Archaeopteryx, 25: 49-53.
  • Jost, J., Kälin, D., Schulz-Mirbach, T. & Reichenbacher, B. (2006): Late Early Miocene lake deposits near Mauensee, central Switzerland: fish fauna (otoliths, teeth), accompanying biota and palaeoecology. – Eclogae Geologica helvetiae, 99: 309-326.
  • Reichenbacher, B. & Prieto, J. (2006): Lacustrine fish faunas (Teleostei) from the Karpatian of the northern Alpine Molasse Basin, with a description of two new species of Prolebias Sauvage. – Palaeontographica A, 278(1-6): 87-95.
  • Berger, J.-P., Reichenbacher, B., Becker, D., Grimm, M., Grimm, K., Picot, L., Storni, A., Pirkenseer, C., Derer, C. & Schaefer, A. (2005a): Paleogeography of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) and the Swiss Molasse Basin (SMB) from Eocene to Pliocene. – International Journal of Earth Sciences, 94(4): 697- 710.
  • Berger, J.-P., Reichenbacher, B., Becker, D., Grimm, M., Grimm, K., Picot, L., Storni, A., Pirkenseer, C. & Schaefer, A. (2005b): Eocene-Pliocene time scale and stratigraphy of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) and the Swiss Molasse Basin (SMB). – International Journal of Earth Sciences, 94(4): 711-731.
  • Doppler, G., Heissig, K. & Reichenbacher, B. (2005): Zur Gliederung des Tertiärs im süddeutschen Molassebecken. – Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 41(1-3): 359-375.
  • Kowalke, T. & Reichenbacher, B. (2005): Early Miocene (Ottnangian) Mollusca of the Western Paratethys - ontogenetic strategies and palaeoenvironments. – Geobios, 38(5): 609-635.
  • Reichenbacher, B., Kälin D. & Jost, J. (2005): A fourth St. Gallen Formation cycle (?) in the Karpatian Upper Marine Molasse of central Switzerland. – Fazies, 51: 160-172.
  • Reichenbacher, B. (2005): Die Fischfauna (Otolithen) der Unteren Süßwassermolasse von La Chaux, S. 106-108. - In: Schäfer, P.: Beiträge zur Ostracoden- und Foraminiferen-Fauna der Unteren Süßwassermolasse in der Schweiz und in Savoyen (Frankreich). 2*. La Chaux (Kanton Waadt, Schweiz). - Senckenbergiana lethaea 85 (1) 95-117.
  • Reichenbacher, B., Böhme, M., Heissig, K., Prieto, J. & Kossler, A. (2004): New approach to assess biostratigraphy, palaeoecology and past climate in the South German Molasse Basin during the Early Miocene (Ottnangian, Karpatian). – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 249: 71-89.
  • Reichenbacher, B., Uhlig, U., Kowalke, T., Bassler, B., Matzke-Karasz, R. & Schenk, B. (2004): Biota, palaeoenvironments and biostratigraphy of continental Oligocene deposits from the south german Molasse basin (Penzberg Syncline). – Palaeontology, 47(3): 639-677.
  • Sach, V., Gaudant, J., Reichenbacher, B. & Böhme, M. (2003): Die Fischfaunen der Fundstellen Edelbeuren-Maurerkopf und Wannenwaldtobel 2 (Miozän, Obere Süßwassermolasse, Süddeutschland). – Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, B, 334: 1-25.
  • Reichenbacher, B. & Uhlig, U., mit einem Beitrag von Jürgen Schwarz (2002): Die Fischfauna der chattischen Unteren Cyrenen-Schichten in der Murnauer Mulde (süddeutsche Faltenmolasse). – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 237: 175-191.
  • Gaudant, J., Weidmann, M., Berger, J.-P., Bolliger, T., Kälin, D. & Reichenbacher, B. (2002): Recherches sur les dents pharyngiennes de Poissons Cyprinidae de la Molasse d'eau douce oligo-miocène de Suisse (USM, OSM) et de Haute-Savoie (France). – Revue de Paléobiologie, 21(1): 371-389.
  • Gaudant, J. & Reichenbacher, B. (2002): Anatomie et affinités des Prolebias aff. weileri von Salis (Poissons téléostéens, Cyprinodontidae) du Miocène inférieur à moyen du Randecker Maar (Wurtemberg, Allemagne). – Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, B, 331: 1-11.
  • Uhlig, U., Reichenbacher, B. & Bassler, B. (2000): Säugetiere, Fisch-Otolithen und Charophyten aus den Unteren Cyrenen-Schichten (Oligozän) der bayerischen Faltenmolasse (Murnauer Mulde). – Eclogae geologica Helvetiae, 93: 503-516.
  • Reichenbacher, B. (1999): Preliminary otolith-zonation in continental Tertiary deposits of the Paratethys and adjacent areas. – Neues Jahrbuch Geologie Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 214(3): 375-390.
  • Reichenbacher, B., Doppler, G., Schreiner, A., Böttcher, R., Heissig, K. & Heizmann, E.P.J. (1998): Lagerungsverhältnisse von Grimmelfinger und Kirchberger Schichten: Kommentar zur „Revision der Stratigraphie der Brackwassermolasse“. – Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, 149(2): 321-326.
  • Reichenbacher, B., Böttcher, R., Bracher, H., Doppler, G., von Engelhardt, W., Gregor, H.-J., Heissig, K., Heizmann, E.P.J., Hofmann, F., Kälin, D., Lemcke, K., Luterbacher, H., Martini , E., Pfeil, F., Reiff, W., Schreiner, A. & Steininger, F.F. (1998): Graupensandrinne - Ries-Impakt: Zur Stratigraphie der Grimmelfinger Schichten, Kirchberger Schichten und Oberen Süßwassermolasse. – Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, 149(1): 127-161.
  • Gaudant, J. & Reichenbacher, B. (1998): Première découverte d’un squelette de Channidae (Poisson téléostéen) dans le Miocène inférieur d’Illerkirchberg, près d’Ulm (Wurtemberg, Allemagne). – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 72(3/4): 383-388.
  • Reichenbacher, B. & Schwarz, J. (1997): Charophyten und Otolithen aus den Cyrenen-Schichten des nördlichen Alpenvorlandes. – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 71(3/4): 173-188.
  • Reichenbacher, B., Berger, J.-P. & Weidmann, M. (1996): Charophytes et otolithes de la Molasse d’eau douce inférieure oligocène de Moutier (Jura suisse). – Neues Jahrbuch Geologie Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 202(1): 63-93.
  • Reichenbacher, B. (1996): Biostratigraphie aufgrund von Fisch-Otolithen im Ober-Oligozän und Unter-Miozän des Molassebeckens der West-Schweiz und Haute-Savoie und des Mainzer Beckens. – Neues Jahrbuch Geologie Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 202(1): 45-61. pdf
  • Reichenbacher, B. (1993): Mikrofaunen, Paläogeographie und Biostratigraphie der miozänen Brack- und Süßwassermolasse in der westlichen Paratethys unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fisch-Otolithen. – Senckenbergiana lethaea, 73(2): 277-374. pdf
  • Reichenbacher, B. & Weidmann, M. (1992): Fisch-Otolithen aus der oligo-/ miozänen Molasse der West-Schweiz und der Haute-Savoie (Frankreich). – Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, B, 184: 1-83. pdf
  • Reichenbacher, B. & Schwarz, J. (1990): Biostratigraphie der Kirchberg-Schichten (Unter-Miozän) bei Leipheim an der Donau und Beschreibung von Chara venusta n. sp. – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 64(3/4): 161-171. pdf
  • Schwarz, J. & Reichenbacher, B. (1989): Die Charophytenflora der Kirchberger Schichten (Unter-Miozän). – Geologica Bavarica, 94: 179-193.
  • Reichenbacher, B. (1989): Feinstratigraphische Gliederung der Kirchberger Schichten (Unter-Miozän) an der Typuslokalität Illerkirchberg bei Ulm. – Geologica Bavarica, 94: 135-177. pdf
  • Reichenbacher, B. (1988): Die Fischfauna der Kirchberger Schichten (Unter-Miozän) an der Typuslokalität Illerkirchberg bei Ulm. – Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, B, 139: 1-53.